Posts Tagged ‘Filth’

James McAvoy

Friday, February 17th, 2012
James McAvoy filming 'Filth' outside Oink on Victoria Street in Edinburgh

James McAvoy filming 'Filth' outside Oink on Victoria Street in Edinburgh

Victoria Street in Edinburgh where the Oink shop is located is a popular place for filming.  This week we have had James McAvoy filming outstide our window for his new film ‘Filth’.  The film is based on the book by Irvine Welsh and the screenplay written by Jon S Baird and also stars Jamie Bell.  We are looking forward to seeing ‘Filth’ when it comes out and who knows we might catch a glimpse of ‘Oink’ too.

Not so long ago also filming for various shows/movies on Victoria Street were Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and the Hairy Bikers.  A popular place to be!

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